venue: the Benecko Mountains, Kejnos Hill
Date: 20-21 January 2018
capacity: 29 children
age: 6 - 14 years (with possible exceptions)
Price: 2200 CZK
price includes: above all experience, experience and great fun for children
- 2x day ski pass
- 2 days of skiing with the coaches of our freestyle school(Litlle Trees) in Beany Park
- 2x evening program
- 2x lunch
- T-shirt, cap, voucher 20% discount on Beany products
- photo and video souvenir of the whole camp
- competition for children for prizes
- a chance to try Beany snowboard equipment for free
Saturday: at 9:00h we will meet at our Beany EasyPark at the Kejnos Buffet (lower station of the Kejnos ski slope). We will divide into teams according to the skill level of the children. There will be a maximum of 7 kids per coach. We will have a prepared lunch around 12:00. Tea and biscuit will be available for the children throughout the day.
Sunday: at 9:00hrs we will meet again at Beany EasyPark in the Kejnos Buffet to continue improving our skills. We will have lunch together and continue to hone skills in the snowpark in the afternoon. Everyone will take home a goody bag with gifts from the sponsors. A small sweet will be prepared for each competitor.
additional information:
- Accommodation is on your own. We recommend to book as soon as possible either directly in Benecko or nearby, for example in Vrchlabí or Jilemnice.
- The child must already know the basics of snowboarding and have a complete set of equipment including pads (spine, helmet...)
- We will be happy to lend you Beany equipment (boots, bindings, snowboards, helmets).
- The registration form for the camp can be found here:
- Please send money as a binding registration form to 190294889/0600. Please write the name of the child in the note for the payee.
- In case of illness or other serious reasons for absence, we will send the money back in full.
We conceive this whole project aimed at the smallest snowboarders in a fun and educational way. Our goal is not to make the children into Olympians, but to prepare them for an unforgettable experience of the mountains and the freestyle snowboarding environment, and to help them gain a healthy relationship with this wonderful sport.
If you have any questions, please call 722003097 or email
On behalf of the entire"Litlle Trees snb school team" and the Beany brand we look forward to seeing you
Olda Čížek.